Our Top Five Travel Tips for Mamas This Summer

Traveling is an exciting and memorable experience for parents and their little ones. But I know firsthand it also comes with its fair share of challenges and considerations. My experience traveling across the country with my first daughter, alone and on a plane for the first time, inspired my Milk by Mom journey.

Summer is a season of family travel, so the Milk by Mom team pulled together our top five tips to make your summer trips with your little ones just a little easier.

1. Plan and Pack Strategically

Start by creating a comprehensive checklist of all the items you'll need during your trip, including diapers, wipes, extra clothes, and any necessary medications. Whenever possible, order and have diapers and wipes delivered to your location versus packing them.

There are never enough snacks Make them easy by packing your freeze-dried breast milk, our favorite #SummerMamaHack - or formula, liquid breast milk, and/or baby food. I may be biased, but I cannot say enough about how easy it is to make it through TSA with YOUR freeze-dried breast milk.

Also, consider the climate and destination, and pack accordingly. Make sure to bring a familiar blanket or toy to provide comfort and familiarity for your little one during the journey.

Our favorite #SummerMamaHack - freeze dry your breast milk with Milk by Mom and travel easier!

2. Be Mindful of Schedules

While it's tempting to squeeze in as much as you can, keep your baby's routine in mind. Stick to their regular sleep and meal times as much as possible, even when you're on the move (so much easier to do with freeze-dried breast milk!) so you can help prevent your baby from becoming overtired or cranky. Take plenty of breaks and get downtime during the day, providing opportunities for your baby to rest, play, and have some quiet time. A well-rested, content baby makes for a happier travel experience for the whole family. And remember, it’s ok to not be perfectly on schedule some days. Make the most of the trip and be flexible.

3. Prioritize Comfort and Safety

Invest in a high-quality, lightweight stroller that is easy to fold and maneuver. It should also provide ample shade and protection from the sun. Pack a well-fitting baby carrier or sling so your hands are free while keeping your baby close and secure. Be diligent about using sunscreen and insect repellent, and carry a first-aid kit for any unexpected bumps or bruises.

4. Embrace the Unexpected

Unexpected situations are bound to arise. Flight and traffic delays or changes in plans can disrupt your itinerary. Don't get flustered. Embrace these moments and find creative ways to entertain your little one. Bring their favorite toys, books, or small games to distract them during waiting times. Be flexible - making lasting memories as a family is what truly matters.

5. Ask for Help

Traveling with a baby can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Reach out to your partner, family, or friends who can help. An extra set of hands can make a bit difference, especially during long flights or car rides. Don’t forget that hotel staff, airport personnel, or even fellow travelers are usually more than willing to help. 

Traveling with your little one, or ones, may require some extra effort, but I never regretted the memories my family has made along the way, even if they happen to be sprinkled with less-than-picture-perfect moments. So, pack your bags, keep these tips in mind, and take on travel this summer!


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