The Milk by Mom Story

The Milk by Mom Story

Tirza and her family.

When my firstborn was about ten months old, we were getting ready for our first cross-country adventure from Arizona to my family’s home in Rhode Island. I was excited for my daughter’s first in-person meeting with my family. But the challenges of traveling with a new baby weighed on me at the same time.

After researching options for traveling with a breastfeeding baby, I learned about freeze-drying. I spent hundreds of hours researching baby products and baby development when I was pregnant and had never come across freeze-drying my breast milk as an option for travel. Freeze-drying is a well-studied, clinically proven method of storing breast milk that isn't well-known among my mom community or many others. Freeze-drying my breast milk took one huge stressor off our travel and became a lifesaver many times after our trip. 

I founded Milk by Mom to empower breastfeeding mothers. As a mom of two with a full-time job, I know the decisions and sacrifices breastfeeding moms face because I navigate them daily. I want to help by expanding this service to the mom community and share my knowledge and experience with a great alternative when it comes to milk storage and transportation.