• Preservar el valor nutricional

  • mejorar el sabor
    (desactivando la lipasa)

  • Apto para viajes

  • Estable en estanterĂ­a

  • Menos alijos perdidos

  • ¡Conveniente!

Libertad, flexibilidad y tranquilidad

La liofilización preserva los componentes nutricionales, inmunológicos y probióticos de la leche materna. La leche materna liofilizada no solo ofrece beneficios nutricionales, sino que también le brinda comodidad al brindarle flexibilidad y tranquilidad, y una vida útil de tres años.

Cuando liofiliza, no corre el riesgo de desperdiciar la leche materna ni de tener que luchar con el espacio del congelador. Y ya sea que tenga que regresar al trabajo mientras amamanta, navegar por la TSA y viajar, o tener un suministro disponible para otros cuidadores, ¡su leche materna rica en nutrientes está disponible!

Los beneficios de la liofilizaciĂłn

Nuestro proceso


Su leche materna se congela a una temperatura muy baja (por debajo de 40 grados Fahrenheit).


La presión reducida dentro de la cámara de liofilización crea un vacío profundo.


Agregar una pequeña cantidad de calor elimina el agua de la leche congelada y convierte el hielo en vapor de agua.


La leche materna en polvo está sellada al vacío en una bolsa de mylar para protegerla de la humedad, el oxígeno, los rayos UV y la contaminación.

Aprende más
  • I'd do it all over again with my next baby

    "I had over 1000oz of breastmilk in my freezer that was about to expire, but I was still nursing and producing. I was never going to touch it before it expired. I did research into a couple freeze-drying companies and Milk by Mom was the only one could handle my quantity and with AMAZING customer service. They fully communicated pricing and process with this amount of milk. I sent in all my frozen milk and they even did a rush order of a small shipment back to me so my husband could have a small supply of milk for our baby while I went out of town for a weekend. After getting it all back, I now have a couple month supply of small and large packages of my milk that I'll use either when my physical supply ends, or maybe for our next kid in the next 3 years! Even with this high quantity and being a little pricey (truly shipping was almost half the cost because of cross country shipping 2 giant freezer boxes overnight) it was still worth it and coming out cheaper then if I had bought formula for a year. I'd do it all over again with my next baby if I would happen to have such an over supply again. HIGHLY RECOMMEND the fabulous team at Milk by Mom!" -Kathleen T.

  • Very responsive customer service.

    "Very cool process! Shelf stable breast milk in formula version. Very responsive customer service and very quick turnaround! Highly recommend!" -Shannon G.

  • Eases so much of my stress while we are on our trips

    "Freeze drying my milk has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my sweet boy! We are a family who loves traveling and having my freeze dried milk packets on hand eases so much of my stress while we are on our trips. My only regret is I wish I would have found Milk by Mom sooner! I can't wait to continue using them for my current breastfeeding journey, as well as my for my future babies!" -Kimberly H.

  • A game-changer!

    "As an exclusively pumping mom, this has been a game changer for me. I absolutely loved my entire experience from start to finish with Milk by Mom! HIGHLY recommend!" -Rachael B.

  • Best investment I made!

    "Worth the investment!!!! The company is wonderful to work with and very helpful when answering questions. The process was very easy and clear instructions were provided. This made on-the-go so easy for when I’m unable to breastfeed and has SUCH a long shelf life, already about to place my second order to store all my milk!" -Amanda M.

  • I only wish I had this with my first three kids.

    "I have taken multiple batches of milk into Milk by Mom. The staff is so sweet and answered all my curiosities the first time. The pricing is reasonable compared to purchasing formula and I feel much safer with the milk state - keeping it safe in my pantry versus in my freezer. The packaging it comes back in is super cute and diaper bag-friendly. It's my new favorite Disneyland accessory. I always end up dehydrated in the parks and worry about losing supply those days. Now I have my milk on hand if we need it and don't have to worry about wasting it if we don't. I've left packages with all our relatives in case I ever need them in an emergency or they have to pick up my baby unexpectedly now there's milk everywhere. Highly recommend I only wish I had this with my first three kids, not just my last." -Krysta R.

  • I feared not being able to produce enough and this has given me so much reassurance.

    "I am forever grateful to have found Milk by Mom. Now pregnant with kiddo #2, I was looking for a way to keep my freezer stash last for longer than a year. To have found a company that keeps my milk shelf stable for three years was a blessing to say in the least. We travel often and this makes life so much easier. I have always feared not being able to produce enough and this has given me so much reassurance going into kiddo number 2 that I always have back up. Tirza and her team are so friendly and accommodating. This was the easiest process! Thank you guys so much for everything!" -Taylor B.

  • My frozen milk was about to expire.

    "My frozen milk was about to expire and I wanted a way to still preserve, so using Milk by Mom to freeze dry was the answer and I’m so pleased with the overall process!" -The Smith Family

  • De lo contrario, cientos de onzas de leche congelada se habrĂ­an echado a perder.

    "Mi bebé comenzó a rechazar los biberones desde el principio, pero yo todavía congelaba una pequeña cantidad de leche aquí y allá, lo que generó cientos de onzas de leche congelada que de otro modo se habría echado a perder. Estoy muy agradecida por la vida útil de mi leche congelada. leche en polvo, porque ahora puedo mezclarla con purés y eventualmente dársela a mi hija en vasitos con pajita. Tirza es muy dulce y es fantástico trabajar con ella, y el proceso fue rápido y sencillo en todo momento. ¡Definitivamente lo recomiendo!
    -Michelle B.

  • Pude ahorrar mucho espacio en el congelador.

    “¡Estoy muy agradecida de haber encontrado leche de mamá! Fue maravilloso trabajar con Tirza y ​​su equipo y me mantuvieron informado durante todo el proceso. ¡Pude ahorrar mucho espacio en el congelador y ahora tengo la comodidad de llevar paquetes de leche materna sin preocuparme por descongelar la leche congelada cada vez que la necesito! Ojalá supiera esto con mi primer bebé. ¡¡Gracias, gracias, gracias por este increíble servicio!!
    -Jessica Y.

  • ¡10/10 recomiendan Leche de Mamá!

    “Me emocionó mucho escuchar sobre el servicio de liofilización de leche materna después de tener mi tercer bebé. Es sorprendente poder conservar los nutrientes, liberar espacio en el congelador y brindar más comodidad a otros cuidadores a la hora de alimentar con leche materna. Al principio estaba nervioso por empacar y enviar gran parte de mi alijo ganado con tanto esfuerzo, pero la comunicación frecuente de Milk by Mom fue muy tranquilizadora. ¡Envié otro envío poco después! ¡10/10 recomiendan Milk by Mom!”
    -Kate M.

  • Nuestro viaje no hubiera sido posible sin Milk by Mom.

    “Nuestro viaje simplemente no habría sido posible sin Milk by Mom. Procesé la mitad de mi alijo para llevármelo y me entregaron la otra mitad en nuestro alquiler. Cuando salíamos durante el día, guardaba un par de paquetes en mi bolso con un poco de agua embotellada y alimentaba a mi bebé fácilmente mientras viajaba. Nunca tuve que usar ni una onza de fórmula y tuve un verano de alimentación libre de estrés. ¡Ojalá tuviera Milk by Mom en el primero!
    -Emily C.

  • Una de las mejores decisiones posparto que tomĂ©.

    “La leche de mamá fue una de las mejores decisiones posparto que tomé. Tuve la suerte de tener un exceso de oferta, pero no tenía espacio en mi congelador, que ya estaba lleno. Milk by Mom vino a rescatarme y completó mi pedido en una semana. Ahora no me estreso porque mi leche se acaba, mi marido puede alimentar a mi bebé cuando sea necesario y llevo los paquetes a cualquier lugar sin preocuparme por una hielera o un calentador de biberones portátil. Simplemente mezclo el polvo con agua a temperatura ambiente; Mi bebé nunca ha notado la diferencia. ¡Recomiendo 10/10 Milk by Mom a cada uno de mis amigos y familiares lactantes!
    -Courtney N.

  • I loved working with Milk by Mom to have my breast milk freeze dried!

    “I loved working with Milk by Mom to have my breast milk freeze dried! The communication and professionalism throughout the process to know what was going on with my milk was excellent and made me feel at ease. I've now traveled by plane and camped with our freeze dried milk, and it has made things so much easier for me and my baby. My little one sucked it right down too! The 3 year shelf life is also amazing so I do not have to worry about my freezer stash taking up space, losing nutritional value, or something happening to it! I would hands down recommend freeze drying your breast milk with Milk by Mom to anyone!!”
    -Deanna H.

  • There are so many benefits for my family.

    “I was so excited to learn about Milk by Mom and the ability to preserve my milk for up to 3 years. There are so many benefits for my family — knowing my milk will be stored and given to my baby properly since I am a full time working mom, and the ability to continue to use breastmilk as a supplement for both of my children.

    Tirza and her team made the whole process so easy. The packaging is really cute and has all the instructions and information. It is easy for anyone to pick up a packet and use it without having any questions. Most importantly, my baby doesn’t even notice the difference!”
    -Jeanette M.

  • One of the best decisions I've made as a mom. It's so handy!

    “Getting a freezer "stash" is no easy feat. It takes work and room in your freezer. I'm so happy to see all that hard work in a convenient little package and get my freezer space back. It’s such a comfort to know that if my husband or a caregiver is watching my baby boy, he can still get my milk with the convenience of formula. Bonus: it's shelf stable for THREE years (vs six months in the freezer) so we can use it to help fortify foods down the road as well. Love this service.”
    -Stephanie G.

  • No difference from fresh or frozen milk.

    “Milk by Mom is an amazing service! I have freeze dried over 200+ ounces so far and my baby loves it - absolutely no difference from fresh or frozen breast milk. It saves us so much space in our freezer and lasts a lot longer too. I’m going to be able to stop breastfeeding at 9 months, but continue to provide my son with my breast milk for a year or more. So glad I discovered Milk by Mom!”
    -Megan M.

  • Phenomenal customer service.

    “Absolute heroes! This company has phenomenal customer service and the owner is the kindest woman I have ever spoken with. She walked me through my entire order and helped me every step of the way. She rushed my order because my milk was expiring and I got it back in a week. The best part was my baby will actually drink it! (He refused my freezer milk). This company is cheaper than every other one that does the same thing (I priced them all), but even if they weren’t, I would still use them. They are unmatched for customer service and skill. Everything they did was beautifully done and if I ever need milk preserved again I will be using them.”
    -McKenzie E.

  • I was running out of freezer space.

    “I pumped about 662 ounces in 3 months and was running out of freezer space. I’m so glad I found Milk by Mom. Everything comes so nicely packaged, and I was able to bring everything with me and my family as we moved overseas. I own a business, so the ease of the powder is so great for my family. Plus it lasts 3 years versus 6 years in a freezer taking up space. Highly recommend for all the mommies out there!”
    -Kirsti A.

  • Highly recommend to any mom searching for a company to freeze dry her breastmilk.

    “I have taken multiple batches of milk into Milk by mom and it’s the best. The convenience, return of freezer space, and peace of mind knowing my child is still getting all of the benefits of breast milk cannot be beat. The staff is so helpful and friendly, and the quick turnaround time between drop off and pickup is amazing. I highly recommend to any mom searching for a company to freeze dry her breastmilk.”

  • I got my milk back fast.

    "Great for traveling and for long term storage for an oversupply. I chose to ship out of convenience rather than drop off but shipping seemed just as easy. Instructions were well laid out and I got my milk back fast." -Krysten Z.

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